Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Something new

I have always wanted to write something, a book, an article, and I never knew what it should be about.  Today two of my coworkers gave me an idea... TV.  To those that know me, I have an addiction, I watch way too much TV.  When September comes and all the season premiers are upon us I make a grid to make sure I can watch or DVR all my favorites. I secretly hope my husband has work to do when the kids go to bed so I can watch MY shows if we have run out of the shows we watch together.  I am upset if the power goes out or a show starts late because I will have to try to find it online.  I love TV.
I have a coworker who is not watching Grey's Anatomy this year but she still wants to know what is happening. I filled her in and after that fill in she and anther coworker from the office said to me that I should Blog about TV.  The light bulb went on and I got excited. 
Let's see where this thing goes....

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